How To Get Rid Of Mice Naturally - Keep Mice Away Without Chemicals...

When the weather turns cold and winter arrives, mice seek warm spots to spend the winter. Those warm areas usually become your home.

The broader issue is that once they nd a suitable secure spot to stay, they prefer to remain around until the weather warms up, leaving you with a fresh mice infestation and the task of nding methods to get rid of the mice. While traps and poisons effectively remove mice, they may be hazardous if you have young children or pets. Here are some natural, homemade mice-killing cures.

Reasons why you Should go Natural:

There are several reasons to prefer natural home cures over storebought ones.

One reason is that conventional pest control repellents and procedures may be rather costly. People have grown inventive in discovering alternative pest control treatments for fractions of the cost of large-brand pest control products since the pest control business is vast.

Another reason to go natural is that numerous natural solutions are safe for pets and children. At the same time, many standard techniques (such as rat poisons and snap traps) may be pretty harmful.

  • 12 Natural Ways to get rid of mice:
  • Mashed Potatoes:

Mashed potatoes act in the same manner as dry cement does. The salt in potatoes causes thirst. Water consumption following the intake of mashed potatoes leads the potatoes to swell in the stomach, resulting in rapid death. Use instant mashed potatoes available at any grocery store to make things easier. After you've made the mashed potatoes, put a thin layer of them on a paper plate and set it in any mice-infested locations you notice.

Put a basin of water next to the plate. After the mice have nished eating the mashed potatoes, tidy up the area to prevent attracting ants.

  • Use Peppermint Oil:

You may be wondering whether peppermint oil repels mice. One of the essential oils that prevent mice is peppermint oil. Most people like the aroma of peppermint; however, the fresh scent works well as mice repellent. Putting a little peppermint oil on cotton balls and distributing them about your home is an excellent technique to repel mice.

To keep mice at bay, insert cotton balls in locations where they may enter your house, including in kitchen drawers. You may also grow mints outside your home to keep them away. As an added bene t, peppermint oil helps eliminate troublesome insects such as spiders and mites.

  • Used Kitty Litter:

While this is not the most sanitary method of getting rid of mice without poison, it is incredibly effective. Cats feed on mice naturally; therefore, if mice think you have a cat in your home, they will avoid it.

Placing old cat litter in containers near potential access points in your home can keep mice at bay. They will exit the area after smelling the cat's pee.

  • Magical Cloves:

Cloves are a vital spice in Asian cuisine because it increases food avor. Still, it smells unpleasant to mice and forces them to seek refuge elsewhere, making it a simple natural solution to get them out of your lovely guarded home. You may distribute healthy cloves strategically around your home and, if feasible, cover them with cotton cloths. Instead, apply 20-30 drops of clove oil on a cotton ball and place it in the area where you fear mice entering. As the fragrance fades, replace the ball after 2-3 days.

  • Onions:

Using onions is the best approach to getting rid of mice in the kitchen. Onions have a fatal harsh odor that many dogs cannot endure, causing them to ee and escape your property. Cut the onions into two pieces and put them in areas where you fear mice entering. Change the onions weekly as the strong odors fade, and keep an eye out for the mouse. It is the most gentle method of getting rid of mice.

  • Powdered Chocolate Milk Mix:

Powdered chocolate milk combined with plaster of Paris is another potent natural mouse repellent that works similarly to the potato akes approach.

Plaster of Paris is a ne white powder widely used to build historical decorative plasterwork.

This fatal, powdery combination is one of the top home remedies for mice control because the powdered chocolate rst attracts the mice and drives them to eat it. The plaster of Paris put in causes the mice to get very thirsty (just like the potato akes). Again, the mice will expire rapidly from thirst if there isn't a nearby water supply.

  • Soda:

Soda is an essential product you will probably already have in your refrigerator. If you don't, you can acquire it at your local grocery or corner shop. Fill a small dish partially with soda and place it in the area where you've seen mice activity. When the mice consume the soda, the carbonation kills them immediately after they consume it. Place numerous bowls throughout your home where you suspect mice are ocking, such as beneath the kitchen sink or in kitchen cupboards.

Remember that leaving the soda out too long can attract ants, creating even another mess.

  • Bay Leaf:

Use a bay leaf to eliminate mice and rats in your house gently. The aroma that the bay leaf emits attracts rats and mice. On the other hand, the leaves produce secondary metabolites harmful to rats when consumed.

Placing bay leaves in areas of your house where mice are a problem can help you permanently eliminate them. Bay leaves are also effective in removing pests from your home.

  • Mothballs:

Mothballs are an excellent DIY mouse-killing treatment. They are incredibly poisonous and are a low-cost method of eliminating mice infestations. Using rubber gloves, distribute the mothballs around your home, concentrating on the garage, attic, basement, and pipes. You must exercise extra care since mothballs may be exceedingly hazardous to your pets and children.

  • Dryer Sheets:

Keeping mice out of your house and outbuildings might be challenging at times. The best technique to get rid of eld mice is to repel or discourage them in some manner.

Dryer sheets are probably something you already have in your house. Still, if not, you can get them to help you repel mice naturally. The dryer sheets generate an aroma that will drive mice away from your house.

Place them in spots where mice may obtain access. Sealing such areas is the ideal option. However, dryer sheets work well for a short time. Keep in mind that the dryer sheets will lose their aroma and need to be changed regularly.

  • Dried Cow Dung:

While this is not the most environmentally friendly means of killing mice, it is highly effective. When mice and other rodents consume cow dung, their stomachs swell.

Because mice can't belch or vomit, they can't eliminate the condition, ultimately killing them. Spread the cow dung cakes over your garden and yard to ght rats and fertilize them.

Tips to Prevent Mice from Entering Your Home:

Let's look at efficient mice prevention and control strategies to keep mice out of your home.

  • Seal and Repair Cracks:

Mice can squeeze through the narrowest openings, making it exceedingly easy for them to access your home. These little openings may be found in your walls, windows, or attics and are readily ignored by inexperienced eyes. Take special precautions to detect these entrance sites and seal them.

adequately using caulking guns or wire mesh.

  • Trim Bushes and Shrubs:

Overgrown bushes and shrubs may provide a safe passage for mice to access your home. It also acts as a repellent to predators such as owls, snakes, and cats.

Trim the trees, shrubs, and bushes surrounding your property regularly to prevent mice from simply entering.

  • Maintain Cleanliness:

Because excess food trash is one of the most common ways mice enter houses, make an effort to keep your kitchen area tidy. Promptly remove the pet food, store it in sealed containers, and clear up spills and crumbs to keep rats out.

  • Seek Professional Help:

DIY mice control techniques can never be as successful as hiring a professional. Hire a professional rodent exterminator to plug rat access sites, capture existing mice, and safeguard your house.


There are numerous solutions available for dealing with mice dif culties.

Several products and approaches are proven successful, whether you choose a chemical or natural mice repellent.

We hope you found the methods presented in this helpful post. However, for long-term results, We suggest hiring a professional mice exterminator.

Maintain cleanliness both inside and outside your home.

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